Redman Power Chair


get a disabled person downstairs

How Can You Get a Disabled Person Downstairs?

January 14, 2022
When it comes to moving a disabled person downstairs, there are several options you have to choose from. One of the conventional transportation methods for disabled people is using a stairlift or stair rail. Both of these modes of transportation come with their own benefits as it relates to how …
wheelchair on a plane

Can You Take a Wheelchair on a Plane?

January 1, 2022
People with disabilities are allowed to fly on airplanes, and airlines are required to do so free of charge. Before booking your flight, contact the airport or airlines to speak with someone who can give you the details of their specific accessibility policy. Also, remember to have the model and…
weighing scale, fruits, weights

Healthy Weight for Wheelchair Users

December 28, 2021
For wheelchair users, losing weight and keeping that weight off can often prove difficult as wheelchair users typically burn less calories through exercise compared to non-disabled persons. Since most wheelchair users have to transfer in and out of cars, beds, and bathtubs, being overweight…
Man with MS Sleeping

How to Sleep Better with Multiple Sclerosis

December 7, 2021
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can affect you in many ways, like limiting and disrupting your sleep. Frequently, these sleep disruptions are caused by MS symptoms that may be felt gradually over the years. Doctors can use diagnostic imaging to monitor brain changes that may affect MS patients’ sleep…
Wheelchair Travel Tips

Wheelchair Accessible Travel Tips

December 7, 2021
Wheelchair-accessible travel, whether you utilize a manual wheelchair or power wheelchair, can come with some obstacles and need for assistance. To provide you with optimal access for your next trip, we’ve compiled these vacation tips for wheelchair users – regardless of your destination. W…
Healthy Eating for Wheelchair Users

Benefits of Healthy Eating for Wheelchair Users

October 25, 2021
Being a wheelchair user isn’t easy. Many places, such as buildings and parking lots, aren’t built to accommodate people with personal mobility devices. Another lesser-known challenge for wheelchair users is staying fit and eating healthy. The Active Times reports that sitting for too long&n…

Standing Wheelchairs for Paraplegics & Quadriplegics

October 13, 2021
Standing Wheelchairs The thought of living with a quadriplegic diagnosis may be daunting. There are many things to consider when it comes to your mobility. A standing wheelchair for paraplegics or quadriplegics is a motorized chair that is powered by one or two batteries, with the intended…
American Flag

Support Systems and Resources for Wheelchair Users

October 13, 2021
It is sometimes hard for someone who is wheelchair-bound to feel independent, much less discover mobility solutions and obtain adaptive equipment without help, including financial assistance and support. There are many barriers for wheelchair users, but there are also many tools, systems, and re…
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