Redman Power Chair


Being There for a Loved One When You’re Needed

September 1, 2022
Seniors vastly prefer aging in place to living in a senior living community. But what if you live some distance away from your senior loved one? As their physical and mental health starts to decline, you’ll begin to notice particular signs that indicate it would be better if you moved closer. He…

Activity Ideas for Bored Seniors

August 26, 2022
Your senior years should be a time for you to relax and enjoy a hard-earned break. But for some people, this period can leave them feeling a little bored. The good news is that there are plenty of fun activities that you can try. Let’s look at some of them. 9 Activity Ideas for Bored…
history of motorized wheelchair

The History of Motors in Wheelchairs

July 21, 2022
Motorized wheelchairs, also referred to as power-electric or powerchair, are wheelchairs that are powered by an electric motor rather than by hand. These powerchairs opened up a new realm of possibilities for people who were either physically unable to manually operate a self-propelled wheelc…
famous wheelchair users - Franklin D Roosevelt

The Five Most Famous Wheelchair Users

July 12, 2022
In the face of great mobility challenges, countless world-changers and famous people have achieved great feats from their wheelchairs. From successful disabled athletes to members of the royal society, many famous disabled people have used wheelchairs, in some cases, for their entire life. When …
a person on wheelchair

Wheelchair Friendly Summer Activities

June 17, 2022
Being active outside is essential for our mental and physical well-being. However, it can be difficult to find suitable summer activities for wheelchair users.  Common obstacles include accessibility and safety, finding adaptive equipment, and financial barriers. But here are a few …
happy person on a wheelchair with his luggage

Travel Destinations for Wheelchair Users

May 16, 2022
Looking for the best wheelchair-accessible cities to travel to? The following information will help you to decide which accessible destinations are right for you and will ensure that your mobility concerns don’t cause a single missed moment on the vacation! What Makes an Accessible C…
tips for parents of children with disabilites

Lifestyle Tips for Parents of Children with Disabilities

April 18, 2022
Being the parent of a child with special needs is challenging. It can bring unexpected stresses with spouses, siblings, and even within your own belief in your parenting abilities. Raising a child is a huge and challenging responsibility. When that child has intellectual or physical disabi…
blueprint of standing wheelchair for quadriplegics

What Is a Standing Wheelchair for Quadriplegics?

March 25, 2022
A standing wheelchair for quadriplegics is a motorized chair that is powered by one or two batteries, with the intended purpose of traveling through all ranges of motion from sitting to standing and back to prone, allowing a better posture and the correction of symptoms like high blood pressure,…
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