Redman Power Chair


How to Get a Wheelchair

October 12, 2020
TLDR: finding a wheelchair without the right insurance coverage can be quite challenging. But, there are solutions available to those struggling to obtain a quality chair. One of the guaranteed ways to get a wheelchair is if you have Medicare Plan B. If you don’t, there are several other options…

What Is the Best Wheelchair for the Elderly?

October 1, 2020
Actually, there is no “best” wheelchair for elderly people in general. That’s because every older person has individual needs. The needs of one elderly person may be very different from the needs of another. That means in order to choose the right wheelchair for your elderly loved one, you shoul…

Do Wheelchairs Have a Weight Limit?

August 7, 2020
Wheelchairs come in three main configurations: basic wheelchairs, lightweight wheelchairs, and heavy-duty wheelchairs. Each of these wheelchair types comes with varying weight limits. Basic wheelchairs have weight limits of 250 – 350 lbs, lightweight wheelchairs have weight limits of 200 – 250 l…

10 Tips for Moms in Wheelchairs

July 24, 2020
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or brand new to your chair, there’s no denying that becoming a parent comes with a slew of new challenges! Luckily, Redman Power Chair is here to provide you with our top ten tips for moms in wheelchairs. Modify Before Baby Arrives Cribs are comfy and cozy for…

How Long Do Wheelchairs Last?

June 26, 2020
There’s no doubt that buying a wheelchair is an investment. It is, in many ways, an extension of yourself and something you will be in constant contact with daily! There are a variety of factors that can affect how long your wheelchair will last, including whether you choose a manual or power wh…

Electric Wheelchairs Covered by Medicare

May 12, 2020
Medicare Part B has a Durable Medical Equipment (DME) benefit that covers things like walkers, wheelchairs, CPAP machines, diabetic supplies, and more. However, Medicare has a specific process for determining coverage for each piece of durable medical equipment you need. Generally, Medicare w…

Handicap Accessible Beaches in the US

May 9, 2020
TLDR: Being handicap doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy some of the basic pleasures of life. There are several handicap accessible beaches in the US, with some of the most popular ones being South Padre and Cap Cod. These beaches offer free wheelchairs and other amenities to those who need them. …

Activities for People with Disabilities

April 20, 2020
According to the CDC, more than 21 million American adults have a disability that can make day-to-day activities difficult. So, if you’re looking for activities for people with disabilities, you’re certainly not alone! It’s worth noting that staying physically active has a major impact on physic…
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