A Look at the Backbone of the Redman Chief 107 ZRx

The quality of a Redman Power Chair is built-in, not added on, and it all starts with the back-bone of the Chief 107 ZRx, the frame. We struggle with simply using the word frame because it truly means so much more. Our frame is uniquely one piece that is tailored for each individual user according to their unique physical needs. Our approach to building the very best power chair available is not cheap. It’s taken over 20 years to perfect one design, completely integrating the unique design features of the Redman Power Chair, to give you a unified design that out-performs any other reclining, standing power chair. It’s built by a family-owned company right here in the USA.

We don’t add standing on as a feature…it’s built-in. Want to recline? We designed and built it in from the beginning.

Is this more expensive to build? You bet it is. But it’s worth it to have the durability and vastly improved performance. A Redman Power Chair has the smallest footprint of any reclining, standing power chair, allowing you to access your environment in ways you never thought possible. Indoors, outdoors, in your vehicle, at the office, and even in small, hard to navigate places like the bathroom.

We think it’s a thing of beauty. And it all starts with a frame. The backbone of the Chief 107 ZRx Redman Power Chair.

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