woman on power chair in a hospital

From Hospital to Home: Transitioning with a Power Chair

Transitioning from a hospital environment back to the comfort of home can be a significant milestone for individuals recovering from injuries or managing chronic conditions. However, this transition often comes with its own special set of challenges for individuals in power wheelchairs, from adjusting floorplans to fit new mobility needs, to talking over expenses with the insurance company, this transitional time deserves all the support available to make coming home as enjoyable as possible.

In this blog, we’ll explore the journey of transitioning from hospital to home with a power chair, including the practical considerations, emotional adjustments, and tips for a successful transition.

The Importance of Mobility

Mobility plays a crucial role in one’s daily living and overall well-being. For individuals who use power chairs, these mobility devices are not just tools but lifelines that enable them to navigate their surroundings, perform daily tasks, and engage in social activities. Whether recovering from surgery, managing a disability, or coping with age-related mobility issues, a full-power wheelchair can significantly enhance the quality of life by providing freedom of movement.

Purchasing the Right Power Wheelchair, First and Foremost

Before we dive into the transition at home, we want to highlight the importance of not rushing into purchasing a power chair. We understand that patients in the hospital with spinal cord injuries leaving them paraplegic or quadriplegic or receiving a new diagnosis that leaves them needing a power chair can cause huge stress. The patient and their caregivers may feel pressure to rush into picking a power chair right away – even by sales staff working at the hospital.

Please know that you have the right to shop around and pick the best power chair for your needs without being rushed. You will likely have this same chair for the next five years since insurance only covers ONE wheelchair (or piece of DME, durable medical equipment) every five years.

This means, unfortunately, if you go home from the hospital in a manual chair because it’s quick and convenient “for now”, your insurance will not cover any other type of wheelchair for another five years. 

Purchasing a Power Chair can be a Lengthy Process when Due Diligence is Done.

Not all power chairs are built alike. Many are prefabricated and built with stock dimensions. Redman Power Chairs are custom-tailored to patient-specific measurements. Redman brings a demonstration chair to the patient’s home for a professional fitting and demonstration. The qualified technician takes measurements, notes variations needed for the perfect fit, and recommends assistive technology equipment unique to the patient, such as head controls for quadriplegics or remote attendant controls for caregivers. Additionally, testing the maneuverability of a new power chair in the patient’s home setting is ideal to know in advance what modifications may need to be made to doorways and the like.

Challenges of Transitioning

disabled sign

Once you’re fitted with the right power chair and the time comes to begin using the new chair back at home, it can be both exciting and daunting. For individuals newly reliant on a power wheelchair, there are specific challenges to consider…


Ensuring the home environment is wheelchair-accessible facilitates a seamless transition from hospital to home. This entails a comprehensive assessment of the living space and implementing necessary modifications to accommodate the individual’s mobility needs. These modifications could encompass a range of adjustments, from installing ramps at entry points to widening doorways to installing a shower chair.

Rearranging furniture to create spacious pathways ensures easy navigation and minimizes obstacles that could impede mobility. These modifications promote independence and foster a sense of empowerment and inclusivity within the home environment, enabling individuals to navigate their surroundings with confidence and autonomy.


Patient safety is paramount in the hospital and still applies when using a power chair within the confines of one’s home. It’s imperative to assess the environment meticulously, identifying and removing potential hazards that could pose risks to both the user and their mobility device.

This includes securing loose rugs or carpets to prevent tripping, removing obstacles that may impede navigation pathways, and creating a clutter-free space to ensure smooth utility of power seat functions throughout the home.

By implementing these precautionary measures, individuals can significantly mitigate the likelihood of accidents and enhance overall safety within their living space, fostering a sense of security and confidence in their mobility.

Emotional Adjustment

The transition from a hospital setting, characterized by constant medical attention and support, to the solitude of home can evoke a whirlwind of complex emotions. It’s not uncommon for individuals to grapple with feelings of isolation, anxiety, and frustration during this period of adjustment.

The sudden shift from a structured, monitored environment to the independence and responsibility of managing one’s recovery at home can feel overwhelming. Moreover, the absence of round-the-clock medical care may amplify concerns about health and well-being.

As individuals navigate this emotional terrain, seeking support from loved ones, healthcare professionals such as home health aides, or support groups to alleviate isolation and cultivate a sense of reassurance and connection during this transitional phase is crucial.

Tips for a Smooth Transition

man on a wheelchair talking with his doctor

Despite the challenges, transitioning with a power chair can be made smoother with careful planning and support. Here are some tips to facilitate the process:

Plan Ahead

Before discharge from the hospital, discuss your home environment with healthcare professionals and caregivers to address any accessibility concerns.

Practice Maneuvering

Familiarize yourself with operating your power chair in different settings, including indoors and outdoors, to build confidence and independence.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to lean on friends, family members, or support groups for emotional support and practical assistance during the transition. Consider occupational therapy, physical therapy, or an adaptive exercise program to address both the mind and body during this transition period.

Stay Positive

Focus on your power chair’s newfound freedom and independence, rather than dwelling on the challenges. Celebrate small victories and milestones along the way.

Transitioning with your Power Mobility Device

Transitioning from hospital to home with a power chair is a significant milestone in one’s journey toward independence and recovery. While it may present its share of challenges, with careful planning, support, and a positive mindset, it can also be a rewarding experience.

By addressing accessibility concerns, prioritizing safety, and seeking emotional support, individuals can confidently and easily navigate this transition, reclaiming their autonomy and embracing the possibilities that lie ahead.

Redefining Mobility: The Redman Power Chair

The Redman Power Chair is a revolutionary tool for individuals with disabilities. More than just a mode of transportation, the Chief 107-ZRx model from Redman Power Chair represents adaptability, comfort, and versatility, transforming the way users navigate various aspects of daily life.

redman power chair

Revolutionizing Accessibility in Everyday Tasks

The Chief 107-ZRx model pioneers a design that transcends traditional mobility aids, focusing on enhancing independence and safety in everyday activities. With over 35 years of innovative design, Redman Power Chair introduces proprietary and patented features that redefine mobility while improving the quality of life for its users. For individuals managing spinal cord injuries; paraplegia, quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, multiple scoliosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), cerebral palsy, and neurologic conditions, the Redman Power Chair offers more than just mobility; it provides the freedom to engage fully in daily tasks, whether it’s reaching for items on shelves, accessing countertops, simply standing to stretch or stretching your back in the yoga position.

Embracing Versatility in Adaptive Living

From its ergonomic design to its customizable features, the Chief 107-ZRx model offers a range of options that cater to diverse needs beyond transportation. In adaptive living, where flexibility is essential, the Redman Power Chair symbolizes empowerment, encouraging users to explore new horizons without limitations.

By prioritizing accessibility, comfort, and versatility, the Redman Power Chair empowers individuals with disabilities to embrace each day confidently and easily. To discover more about the transformative capabilities of the Redman Power Chair, we invite you to visit our website.

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