Redman Power Chair


Activities for People with Disabilities

April 20, 2020
According to the CDC, more than 21 million American adults have a disability that can make day-to-day activities difficult. So, if you’re looking for activities for people with disabilities, you’re certainly not alone! It’s worth noting that staying physically active has a major impact on physic…

Disabilities that Require Wheelchairs

August 23, 2019
Disabilities that Require Wheelchairs Redman Power Chair Many different kinds of disabilities require the use of wheelchairs for mobility. These are referred to as mobility impairments. Disabilities may be orthopedic (relating to the bone and muscles) or they may be neuromuscular (relating to…

The Redman Team Supports Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month

September 27, 2012
Did you know that Congress recently declared September 2012 as Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Awareness Month?  SCI Awareness Month was just passed as a resolution by the Senate this year in July.  We are glad that the general public is being made aware of such an important issue.  How important?  Ever…
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