Redman Power Chair

blueprint of standing wheelchair for quadriplegics

What Is a Standing Wheelchair for Quadriplegics?

March 25, 2022
A standing wheelchair for quadriplegics is a motorized chair that is powered by one or two batteries, with the intended purpose of traveling through all ranges of motion from sitting to standing and back to prone, allowing a better posture and the correction of symptoms like high blood pressure,…
redman power wheelchair

The Best Power Wheelchair for Multiple Sclerosis

March 18, 2022
For those who have been diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis (MS), decisions about assertive technology can have a massive impact on their quality of life while managing the disease. MS is an auto-immune disorder affecting the central nervous system. MS affects neurons, which are the cells of…
Mental Illness in a Wheelchair

Coping with Mental Illness in a Wheelchair

February 18, 2022
Americans living with physical disabilities face a number of significant challenges that can impact their quality of life. For many, physical disability and mental health go hand-in-hand. As you take care of your physical needs, it can be all too easy to neglect your mental health issues – and v…
Man with MS Sleeping

How to Sleep Better with Multiple Sclerosis

December 7, 2021
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can affect you in many ways, like limiting and disrupting your sleep. Frequently, these sleep disruptions are caused by MS symptoms that may be felt gradually over the years. Doctors can use diagnostic imaging to monitor brain changes that may affect MS patients’ sleep…

Standing Wheelchairs for Paraplegics & Quadriplegics

October 13, 2021
Standing Wheelchairs The thought of living with a quadriplegic diagnosis may be daunting. There are many things to consider when it comes to your mobility. A standing wheelchair for paraplegics or quadriplegics is a motorized chair that is powered by one or two batteries, with the intended…
Woman in Power Chair Preparing a Meal

Spinal Cord Injury and Functional Ability

August 21, 2021
Spinal cord injury (SCI) functional ability levels can change over time and require varying types of assistive technology along the way. Individuals may be able to regain enough function to achieve greater independence. This depends on the level of injury and the amount of success with rehabi…
Young Children Playing with Child in Wheelchair

Teaching Compassion to Non-Disabled Children

August 19, 2021
Teach and Practice Compassion Early childhood is a time of wonder and discovery. It is also a time filled with lessons that can carry a child through the rest of their life. One of the most important lessons a child should learn is the importance of compassion. Compassion is closely linked…

What to Expect with a Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy

March 1, 2021
Learning that your child has cerebral palsy (CP) can be very distressing. If this happens to your child, know that you are not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year, an average of 1 in 345 children in the United States are diagnosed with cerebral pal…

Tips for a Tidy Home – Living with MS

January 13, 2021
Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be very challenging. The symptoms of MS can make it a struggle to perform basic household chores and completing those everyday tasks can seem hopeless! However, cleaning and decluttering the most lived-in areas of the home can offer surprising benefits for…

Giving Mobility Back to People with Multiple Sclerosis

October 26, 2020
Your typical standing power chair is an automated device that helps its user move from a seated to standing position and back again. Some standing power chairs also enable users to fully recline. The Redman Power Chair goes much further. It doesn’t just facilitate standing and reclining, it o…
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